Gapminder é o nome de um "fact tank" que disponibiliza dados estatísticos através do Trendalyzer, um software criado por uma fundação sueca que quer contribuír para que tenhamos um entendimento melhor e mais crítico do mundo em que vivemos. Assumem-se como um "museu" moderno que nos ajuda a comprender o mundo, usando a internet.
Não resisto a fazer copy/paste de alguns parágrafos, sem os traduzir.
"Gapminder work serves a purpose of filling a gap. There has been a market failure in distributing global data. A lot of people are interested in the data, but don’t get access to it (and if they manage to access the data, they need to be advanced skilled statisticians to analyze it). Gapminder wants to make data more accessible and easier to use for instant visual analysis. We believe decision makers, politicians as well as education at almost all levels lack adequate tools.
There is no political agenda behind the work. The idea is that all people, independently of their political agenda, should get free access to already existing statistics about global development to easily improve their understanding about the complex society."
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